I wonder if anybody would notice…

…if I just crawled under my desk and took a nap?

What is it like not feel tired? I honestly wonder. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t tired.

OK! So anyway. I have pics from the Belle shoot and also the symphony from last weekend to finally post, but first let me get through last week’s sewing updates and the weekend and all that.

First up, new pins!


Tuesday I forced myself to finish up the version 1 Jedi Leia.

I got her listed on etsy and she’s already sold! Yay!

But as I was finishing it up I was really rethinking the order of assembly on the second version. I’d already gotten pretty far into it, but decided I wanted to roll it back and put it together slightly differently.

So I took the dress shoulder seams apart, and the side seams opened about 3in from the armhole, so I could open up the top of the dress. Then I took apart the yoke piece I’d already partially assembled – thankfully I hadn’t sewn up the shoulder seams yet, so it was mostly just opening the side seams, and also opening the edges around the arm openings. Then I got the front piece placed on the front of the dress flat, pinned down, and machine sewn in place (except at the neck, where I wanted to insert the hood). Then did the same for the back panels.

Discovered the issue I’d had with the fit on version 1 was that the back pieces were too long in the shoulder. In version 1 I fixed it by adding a dart under the arm, since by that point it was too far gone to do much else. But I was able to lose some of the excess on version 2 so the dart wasn’t necessary.

Before I finished sewing all the pieces on I got the hood made. I wanted to go with a different shape this time than version 1, so I kind worked with some scraps and got the idea of what I wanted and then cut the real thing. It’s still a trapezoid shape like the regular ANH hood and the one I did for version 1, but a little more exaggerated – longer on the long end.

I got it sewn into place under the front of the yoke, then the yoke sewn down there. Shoulders sewn closed, gathered the back end of the hood, attached the collar, re-attached the sleeves, and it’s done!

With my regular belt. I still hadn’t found my ceremonial belt at this point.

So once that was done my brain was like, screaming to clean up and organize the sewing room.

FIRST! Got my wardobe moved to the other side of the room and got my mirror hung up where it was! No more crouching down trying to see myself in the mirror when I try stuff on.
(Also ignore pile of pattern trash. I took these pics sunday morning after I’d already started the next project…)

Wardrobe moved to the other side. I also moved the black cubby shelf out (it’s in the closet for now) and the mini-fridge is banished to the guest room for now. Eventually I hope to have it in Kevin’s room.

All the fabric that was on the cubby shelf got stuffed into the built-in cabinet in the tv section. I’m not using the tv right now so until Chase get smy fabric shelf built this will do.

And also cleaned up the closet. My costume closet was a disaster… obviously we haven’t done anything in there yet besides paint. Everything just kinda got stuffed in there when we moved, and my dragoncon stuff was a DISASTER. So I organized it all, got the stuff out of there that shouldn’t be in there…

I don’t think the black cubby thing will be staying in there. It’s useful for now, but that’s the area bins will need to go in the future. When I moved it in there I had visions of wigheads fitting perfectly in the openings but of course they weren’t big enough for that. Most of my art supplies got stuffed into the fabric bins that are in here for now. They’ll all get moved over to the blue cabinet once the fabric is out of the blue cabinet.

I also started in on the closet’s closet. The little access door back there. I’d previously thrown bags of batting and foam in there upon move in – I got those out and put away, and finally crawled in there to get a get idea of the space. It was much bigger than I remembered… I could almost stand up in the very back! So I started putting bins in.


And it really is just shoved in there. Once I have all my bins over (I got another load of them yesterday afternoon – there’s probably one more car load left), I’m going to pull everything out and rethink it – I’m going to have to figure out the best way to put them in there to maximize the space. I’m going to be putting mostly old stuff in there because once the closet is finished the door is going to be blocked off by current bins. I mean obviously I can move the bins out of the way to get in there, but I want to put things I don’t need as often in there so I’m not constantly crawling into the closet closet.

So now that the short wall over by the mirror was clear, Chase hung up my small shelves, scissor hangers and my thread shelf. The small shelves used to hold all my glass bead jars, but since I lost most of them in the shelf crash a couple of months ago, I only put what was left of the nice looking ones out. Otherwise it’s a pin cup and knick-knacks. I have one more larger shelf I was considering putting underneath everything but that may be too much, so I’m thinking on it first. I’d really like it to be over there to hold like, my tailor’s ham, the cup I use to refill my iron… larger sewing things I can’t fit in my drawer and are too big for those small shelves. BUT… maybe those things can eventually go in the wardrobe once the fabric is out.

Like literally everything in my sewing room is kinda just waiting, on pause for this fabric shelf.

I spent late Saturday night/Sunday morning cutting out the pattern pieces for Dr Crusher!

YAY! I’m going to start cutting the fabric tonight. I tried to dye my blue spandex darker but it didn’t do much (probably didn’t leave it in long enough but it was really hard to tell – the spandex got SO much darker when wet), so I’m just going with it as is.

Also first dye job in the new house was kind of a disaster because I really wasn’t set up for it yet. Trial by fire. LOL.

Sunday after Mother’s Day lunch, I went over to my parents’ house to get that load of bins. Skye helped.

thankfully found my ceremonial Leia stuff in the Boushh bin.

Couple of things needs done:
1. Obviously replace the missing button that side concho. That one has always had problems. I replaced it a couple of years ago once already.
2. Add two more conchos. Dad’s going to help me. You can see where he’d punched the holes for one more concho on the bottom end there. When we were making this in 2007, I’d told him to just leave at 5… the way the belt was fitting, the closure was going to be sitting right on top of that concho (as you can see by the velcro placement), because I was so much smaller back then. And I was pushed for time so I was just like… leave it at 5, we’ll do velcro instead of snaps.
3. I peeled the velcro up so we can add the other 2 conchos to complete it, and I’m going to put in snaps instead of velcro. I really don’t want a velcro belt going on a spandex dress. Yikes.

So maybe next week I can go over to my parents again, get the last load of bins and a few more hanging things, and get some work done on this belt.

I also needed to figure boots – my too-short old ANH boots weren’t going to cut it here, so I broke down and bought the ones on amazon that look like them. I’ve been wanting to make my own pair of boots from the heels up for 2 years now but I obviously still haven’t gotten to it, so these can hold me over til I finally do it.

Speaking of getting more hanging things, I grabbed my Arwen dress just for playing dress up…

It looks SO GOOD on the form with the arms!!

So back to last weekend and the symphony event! I uploaded Chase’s pics last week.

This little girl dressed as Rey was SO CUTE!!

More at the link above!

And now Belle pics!

This is the same spot where we took one of our fav photos, just looking the opposite direction.

Also we’d just gotten yelled at for walking on the grass. We’d been trying to get to the Iris Garden the way we knew how but with the big giant new stage they’d built we got lost and couldn’t figure out how to get over there. Also it’s a garden obvi we aren’t going to step on the flowers, but we can’t walk on grass?

We kept having people driving golf carts coming up behind us on this path. And the path was so small there was nowhere to go but into the dirt/bushes on the side. That was annoying.

But anyway super happy with the pics. Exactly what I wanted.

No new art today, I spent last week getting some of the older ones cleaned up and backgrounds added. I’ll be updating the art gallery with the “final” versions soon.